Nose Cone
What Is Nose Cone?

A nose cone is an aerodynamic component used to minimize air resistance during a rocket’s flight within the atmosphere. Due to its position, the nose cone is the first part of the rocket to come into contact with the air. Therefore, it is one of the components that significantly affects the overall flight performance of the rocket.

How to Design a Nose Cone?

Before starting the design of the nose cone, the mission of the rocket must be determined. Factors such as the rocket’s apogee, launch velocity, maximum speed, and acceleration, which are part of the mission, affect the design of the nose cone. To ensure the nose cone is suitable for the rocket’s mission, its material and geometry must be designed in consideration of the rocket’s fins, body tube, and overall stability, taking into account the rocket’s center of mass and center of pressure. The rocket’s stability can be calculated using Rocket Fx’s “Stability” page.

For subsonic rockets, a more spherical nose cone is preferred, while for supersonic rockets, a pointed, conical geometry is favored. Different geometries are used for transonic rockets. The material of the nose cone should be chosen based on the rocket’s maximum speed, ensuring it can withstand the heat generated by friction and the impact of air resistance. To adjust the rocket’s center of mass, the nose cone can be either solid or hollow with a certain thickness. Considering these design factors, wood materials are commonly used due to their ease of manufacture, but materials like fiberglass and carbon fiber are also employed. The nose cone can be made from a single material or a combination of two or more different materials. To improve the efficiency of airflow over the body, the nose cone can be coated or painted, achieving a more efficient surface against airflow. However, during these processes, attention should be paid to the thickness increase, shape deformation, and changes in the center of mass.

Another design factor for the nose cone is its drag characteristics. The comparison of drag characteristics for different nose cone shapes used in transonic and supersonic rockets is shown in the diagram below. In the diagram, 1 represents very good, 2 good, 3 average, and 4 poor in terms of drag performance.


Considering all these factors, the design of the nose cone can be expressed mathematically.

Nose Cone Drag Diagram

In this statement, R denotes the base radius, L represents the length, and x and y are the positions of the length and radius at any point along the length or base of the cone, respectively.

Image that general parameters used to create nose cone profile.

Nose Cone Shpaes

When designing rockets with different characteristics, various nose cone geometries are used to achieve optimal values. Similar rockets with comparable properties employ similar nose cone geometries. Thus, the desired nose cone geometry for rocket design can be mathematically expressed. Below are listed some of the most popular geometries among these shapes.


It is typically used in rockets where high speed and altitude are desired. Its widespread use is due to its ease of production. The pointed tip and its straight, widening base shape provide the rocket with high acceleration from interaction with the air. This allows the rocket to continue traveling after the rocket motor has stopped.

Conic nose cone 3d visualization

The following formulas can be used to obtain a conical nose cone.

Conic nose cone image
Conic Nose Cone Equation 1
Conic Nose Cone Equation 2

Spherically Blunted Conic

A Spherically Blunted Conic is a spherical modification of the pointed cone shape. This configuration combines the advantages of both the conical and spherical geometries. It achieves optimal speed and altitude with a straight line while the tip of the nose cone remains spherical.

Spherically blunted conic 3d visualization

The point where the spherical tip meets the cone can be expressed with the following formula.

Spherically blunted conic nose cone image
Spherically Blunted Conic Nose Cone Equation 1
Spherically Blunted Conic Nose Cone Equation 2

The center of the spherical tip can be expressed with the following formula.

Spherically Blunted Conic Nose Cone Equation 3
Spherically Blunted Conic Nose Cone Equation 4


Biconical geometry is a cone of length L1 superimposed on a cone of length L2 with its upper part cut off. It is a special case of conical geometry designed to transfer the air in contact with the nose cone to the fuselage more efficiently.

In case L2 + L1 = L; If your

The following formulas are used to obtain biconical geometry.

Bi-conic nose cone 3d visualization
Bi-conic Nose Cone Equation 2
Bi-conic Nose Cone Equation 3

Half-angle formulas are as follows:

Bi-conic Nose Cone Equation 4
Bi-conic Nose Cone Equation 4.1
Bi-conic Nose Cone Equation 5
Bi-conic Nose Cone Equation 5.1

Tangent Ogive

Ogive geometry features a profile wrapped around a circle. When the parameter value in the production formula is set to 1, a tangent ogive shape is produced. Due to its ease of production, it is a commonly used nose cone shape in rockets. It is the curved version of bi-conic geometry.

The following formulas are used to achieve tangent ogive geometry:

Tangent Ogive nose cone 3d visualization

To obtain a tangent ogive geometry, the following formulas are used:

Tangent Ogive nose cone image
In the formula, pp represents the radius of the ogive.
Tangent Ogive Nose Cone Equation 1

The radius yy at point xx, which can take values between 0 and , is expressed by the following formula.

Tangent Ogive Nose Cone Equation 2

Spherically Blunted Tangent Ogive

The Spherically Blunted Tangent Ogive is the spherical modification of the tangent ogive geometry. This design achieves both the curved transition of the tangent ogive and determines optimal speed and altitude with its spherical tip.

Spherically Blunted tangent Ogive nose cone 3d visualization

The point where the tangent ogive merges with the spherical tip can be found using the following formula:

Spherically Blunted tangent Ogive nose cone image

The apex of the shape is also determined using the following formulas:

Spherically Blunted Tangent Ogive Nose Cone Equation 1
Spherically Blunted Tangent Ogive Nose Cone Equation 2

Secant Ogive


The formula used to produce a Tangent Ogive is also used to make a Secant Ogive. When the parameter value for the Tangent Ogive is less than 1, the Secant Ogive geometry emerges. An alternative Secant Ogive geometry can also be generated for more optimal rockets.

Secant Ogive cone 3d visualization
Alternative Secant Ogive cone 3d visualization
Secant Ogive cone image
Alternative Secant Ogive cone image

The following formulas are used to obtain the secant ogive geometry. x can take values ​​between 0 and L, and the y radius at point x is expressed by the formula below.

Secant Ogive Nose Cone Equation 1
Secant Ogive Nose Cone Equation 2

To obtain an alternative Secant Ogive, the following formula is used. In this formula, pp should be chosen smaller than the value selected to get the Tangent Ogive, resulting in a geometry wider than the base diameter.

Secant Ogive Nose Cone Equation 3



It is half of an ellipse in geometry. Due to its shape and spherical tip, it is a preferred nose cone shape in subsonic rockets.

Eliptical nose cone 3d visualization

To achieve an elliptical geometry for a nose cone, the design is made with a length at least twice the diameter. If the length is half of the diameter, a hemisphere shape is obtained in this manner.

Eliptical nose cone image

The formula “Elliptical Nose Cone Equation 1” is used to obtain an elliptical nose cone.

Elliptical Nose Cone Equation 1


It is created by revolving a parabola around its axis. Its general formula is flexible in design, allowing for the creation of various designs.

Parabloic nose cone 3d visualization
Half Parabolic nose cone 3d visualization
Seventy-five percent parabolic nose cone 3d visualization

It is formed by rotating a parabola around its axis. Its general formula is flexible in design, allowing for the creation of many different designs.

Parabloic Nose Cone Equation 1

The k value in the formulas used in the schemes is listed according to different lists as in the table below.

Parabolic Type

K’ value





Three Quarter




Power Series

Power series is a special case of the parabolic series.

Power Series nose cone 3d visualization
Half Power Series nose cone 3d visualization

The following formula is used to obtain the power series.

Power Series Nose Cone Equation 1
Power Series nose cone illustration image
Usually, in commonly used formulas, the value of varies according to different shapes as shown in the table below:

Power Series Type

n Value



Half (parabolic)


Three Quarter




Haack Series

To generate a Haack series geometry designed to minimize drag, the following formula is used.

Von Karman Haack Series nose cone 3d visualization
LV Haack Series nose cone 3d visualization
Haack Series nose cone image
Haack series nose cone illustration image

The Haack series geometry is designed to minimize drag. The formula used to produce a Haack series geometry is as follows.

The two values ​​used for C in the formula create two special geometries. When C = 0, it produces the minimum drag length and diameter expressed as LD. When C = 1/3, it creates the length and diameter for minimum drag expressed as LV.

Haack Series Nose Cone Equation 1

The value of C in the special region is as in the table below.

Haack Series Type

C Value

LD (Von Karman)






Nose Cone Materials


After designing the nose cone, appropriate material selection according to the design is essential. Factors such as cost, availability, desired durability, weight, and structural rigidity must be considered in manufacturability. Wood-based materials are commonly chosen due to their ease of shaping. Pine and cedar are particularly favored for their easy availability and affordability compared to alternatives. Besides wood, materials like carbon fiber, fiberglass, and aluminum are also used for nose cone construction. These materials can be used alone or in combination; for example, making the nose cone tip from aluminum and the remaining part from wood, or using wood and then covering it with composite material. For more detailed information on materials, refer to the “Materials Used in Model Rocketry” page.


Nose Cone Shoulders


When manufacturing a nose cone, a shoulder or shoulder ring is typically used to join it with the rocket body. The shoulder ring is a long internal body part that is generally fixed to the nose cone, narrower than both the nose cone and the rocket body diameter, parallel to the rocket body, and shares the same geometry. During flight, if the nose cone is intended to separate from the rocket, it can be snugly fitted onto the body or secured using screws if it remains attached. Various materials used in model rocketry can be employed for this purpose.

For more detailed information on materials and manufacturing methods, please refer to the “Materials Used in Model Rocketry” page. Alternatively, the nose cone can be manufactured together with the rocket body. If manufactured separately, it should share a similar geometry with the rocket body, allowing for the use of similar production methods. For safe flight, if not secured by screws, the length of the rocket body should be at least 1.5 times the diameter to ensure a secure fit.

Here is the list of references and further reading materials:

  1. Image that general parameters used to create nose cone profile | Flanker,, 06.05.2009.
  2. Conic nose cone image | Flanker,, 6.05.2009.
  3. Conic nose cone image 3d visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  4. Spherically blunted conic nose cone image | JHuwaldt,, 20.01.2009.
  5. Spherically blunted conic 3d visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  6. Bi-conic nose cone image | Ruleke,, 06.04.2005.
  7. Bi-conic nose cone 3d visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  8. Tangent ogive nose cone image | Ruleke,, 07.04.2005.
  9. Tangent ogive nose cone 3D visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  10. Spherically blunted tangent ogive nose cone image | JHuwaldt,, 01.12.2009.
  11. Spherically blunted tangent ogive nose cone 3D visualization | JHuwaldt,, 01.12.2009.
  12. Secant ogive nose cone image | Ruleke,, 07.04.2005.
  13. Secant ogive nose cone 3D visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  14. Alternative secant ogive nose cone image | Ruleke,, 07.04.2005.
  15. Alternative secant ogive nose cone 3D visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  16. Elliptical nose cone image | XRD0DRX,, 02.03.2011.
  17. Elliptical nose cone 3D visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  18. Parabolic nose cone half 3D visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  19. Parabolic nose cone 75% 3D visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  20. Parabolic nose cone full 3D visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  21. Parabolic nose cone image | Gary A. Crowell Sr., The Descriptive Geometry Of Nose Cones, 1996.
  22. Power series nose cone half 3D visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  23. Power series nose cone 75% 3D visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  24. Power series nose cone illustration | Gary A. Crowell Sr., The Descriptive Geometry Of Nose Cones, 1996.
  25. Haack series nose cone image | Gary A. Crowell Sr., The Descriptive Geometry Of Nose Cones, 1996.
  26. Haack series nose cone Von-Karman LD-Haack 3D visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  27. Haack series nose cone LV-Haack 3D visualization | IanSan5663,, 17.06.2018.
  28. Haack series nose cone illustration | Andresenman,, 27.12.2013.
  29. Nose cone drag diagram | Ruleke,, 02.11.2006.
  30. Roketsan, Model Roketçilik, 20.03.2020.
  31. Aerospace Eng. Emrah Asılyazıcı, Model Roket Tasarımı, 2001.
  32.  DUTlab, DUTlab VENÜS Project, 2021.
  33. Teknofest, Roket Competiton Specification, 2022.
  34. Aditya Rajan Iyer, Anjali Pant, A Review On Nose Cone Designs For Different Flight Regimes, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 2020.


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